One Of The Greatest Deceptions To Date: No Persecution Of Christians In Pakistan


We have been reporting on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan for a long time.  Report after report of the persecution that Christians face surface every day.  From the burning alive of Christians, to rape, and torture of not only Christians but women and children.  The torching of churches, the mob attacks on the blasphemy that is conjured and falsely directed at Christians.  Some have been humiliated and drug through the streets naked.  Many are forced into slavery through Pakistan’s bonded labor program, then die in these camps for their Christian faith.  The blasphemy law in Pakistan has long prosecuted Christians.  One Christian woman is in prison awaiting her death sentence for her faith in Christ.  She drank from a muslim well and refused to denounce her faith.  For this they arrested her and sentenced her to death.

A new report from Dawn News that Pakistan introduced a bill to protect women, show’s that the Islamic governing body is clearly barbaric.  They not only denounced this bill calling it out saying that it would destroy society, they went so far as to name the murderer of the Governor who spoke out against blasphemy there, a martyr.

Pakistan is one of the top receivers of world aide.  The US is currently signing a deal to give Pakistan war planes.  And there are those in the west that continuously shame those who call out the barbaric laws of Islam calling them Islamaphobic.  There is a push to protect these practices by the West and the UN even defending it.  It’s a sad day when the world closes it’s eyes to uncivilized  human rights abuses and persecution.

We live supposedly in a civilized world, but yet the world has been blinded and uncivilized, evil runs rampant with a stamp of approval from free western countries.  Even refusing to help those fleeing this darkness by denying persecution is happening.

Even western churches are blind to the rampant abuse and darkness, going so far as to say “but we worship the same god”.  We do not worship a God that calls for the abuses, persecutions, and slaughter of innocents.  We do not follow the same laws as these barbarians.  Yet we continue to ignore and deny.  Christians fleeing these lands in Pakistan to pathways to freedom are even hunted and persecuted in host countries like Thailand.  Is there no freedom in the world today???  As the world say’s they are helping refugee’s, they are ignoring the root problems of those fleeing, and inviting it into their world.  Ignoring the root problems thinking nothing is wrong with their practices.

The leader of the free world, denies Christian genocides, and abusive practices against Christians and women from Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other islamic countries.  It’s not going away, and the mountain that is forming from sweeping this under the rug is insurmountable.

While we in America are embroiled in a pathetic bid for a leader, untold horrors are taking place in the world.  Embroiled in our own divisions, and unrest.  Heading straight into a divided America while the world is on fire.


A fire that I fear is unquenchable.  A fire that will rage and change demographics forever.  And innocents are dying and suffering in untold numbers, while western nations and Islamic nations war for control.  The west, east, and all in between are scrambling all across the scorched earth, even in Africa for power and wealth.  Collateral damage came at the cost of millions of lives and hundreds of thousands even millions displaced, from Africa to Iran and all points between.

Deny it all you want, but this fire and darkness is spreading as fast as the fastest growing cancer.

By C. Refsland


Categories: Blaspheme, Censoring of truth, Chrislam rising/new world religion, Christian genocide, Christian misconceptions, Christian persecution, Christianity in the news, Commentary by CJ, Exploitation of Children, Human Rights Abuses, Iran, Iraq, ISIS, islamists, Middle East Crises, Mis-information, new world order, News Of The Day Heartbreaking & Prophetic, Pakistan, persecution of children in the middle east, Persecution of women in the middle east, propaganda, Prophecy, Religion of Peace, Sharia law

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2 replies

  1. May GOD help our Brothers and Sisters trapped in that hideous and dark hole called Pakistan.

    LORD JESUS, come and take Vengeance for your people, and destroy the Gross Darkness that is covering the earth with the brightness of your appearing.


Rev. 22:20 'Surely I am coming quickly, Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus!'

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