Chadian Forces Pull Out Of CAR, EU Africa Summit, Kerry in Algeria



I think this video stands on it’s own, it offers key news updates on the CAR, Nigeria, &  Algeria.  John Kerry is there today  for his first visit.  He is pledging the US will continue to help fight Al-Queda there.  They also are attempting to crack down on weapons smugglers from Libya.  The Nigeria president is asking in Brussels today for more trade.  His requests are odd, considering that Nigeria has become infested with Boko-Haram attacks.  He states Africa is the country of the future, they need more capitol and investors.  I again find this odd with the amount of terrorism and attacks on Christians here.  We’ve asked this question before, since there is increased interest in African minerals and resources, we see the reason for a large portion of the unrest in these regions.


Chadian troops have pulled out of the CAR after they fired on civilians over the weekend.  Begging the question why were they there to begin with, when they have been supportive of the Seleka in the past.  I have to continue to ask the question what is fueling the unrest in this part of the world.

Categories: Africa, islamists, news, Prophecy, War & Rumors of War

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Rev. 22:20 'Surely I am coming quickly, Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus!'

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