

When I first started blogging I was so green, and I still am.  I’m learning as I go.  I only knew that God wanted me to write, warn and tell the truth, no matter what.  So in a world where there is hatred at times and not so nice people, when I got this email I was curious, grateful and filled with gratitude.  I had no idea I would meet so many great people!  So many brothers and sisters in Christ, so many that are looking for answers and more importantly like minded people.  It does my heart good to talk to each and every one of you and I’m very grateful for you all.  I’ve recently met Shaun he is a blogger from Scotland, who provides unique insights.  Here is the link to his blog: Looking For Reasoning In A Complicated World (

Here is the award he sent me, and I proudly accept it and thank him as I too am searching for answers, I too look at the lost in the world, those who have made themselves slaves to the god’s they’ve made for themselves like money, material things.  Instead of turning to God as they should to be truly free.  Also we’ve chosen to ‘shine on’  so I include the song that goes with the award.  Thanks Shaun.

I would like to pass this on to NewJerusalemComing

& precioussheepofrenown

Thank you again Shaun this is like confirmation that I and others are suppose to let our light shine to the world.  The church is suppose to be the shining light on the hill, but sadly that light has grown very dim, so we will let our light SHINE ON BRIGHTLY!

3 replies

  1. Thanks Ann I thought it was sweet coming from someone who recognized our light. 🙂


  2. Congratulations!




Rev. 22:20 'Surely I am coming quickly, Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus!'

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